Sticker Stories Podcast Episode 6: Promoting National Park Posters with custom stickers
Hello and welcome back for the sixth episode of the Sticker Stories Podcast, as we near the end of our first season. Watch the show below, or scroll down to listen to the SoundClound.
This week we welcome Rob Decker from National Park Posters. He is the founder of the company as well as the artist creating the designs. All of his posters are printed on recycled domestically produced materials and use environmentally friendly soy based inks. Along with his posters, his designs are available on larger artist canvases, and as postcards. He now has his first sticker, which we will talk more about with him. You can listen to the interview, and there’s more about this episode below.
Top of mind
Hamish brought us stickers of the week, starting with Friend of the Pod, from Pod save America from Crooked Media, Andrew will be writing up a blog about their sticker for next week, so look out for it. Andrew gave a shoutout to Techstars and Google for Entrepreneurs Global Startup Weekend that is kicking off today and going through next week. Here’s a few pictures of the stickers we spoke about.
On to the show
Then Hamish and Andrew welcomed Rob on the the show. Before we DOVE in and start talking about National Park Posters, Rob told us a little more about himself and his career as an artist. A cool story is that Rob studied photography with Ansel Adams in Yosemite National Park in 1979. Truly amazing. We learned that National Park Poster’s came about from his daughter’s wedding and then a few Kickstarter campaigns, and that he’s mostly a one man operation. We spoke in depth about the WPA as an inspiration for his pieces of art, and we learned that the Works Project Administration’s main role was building large infrastructure projects during the Great Depression. But the WPA also played a role in arts education, and that’s where Rob takes some of his inspiration for the modern day.
Marketing Posters with Stickers
Rob has a really strong social media following, and then he shared advice for other small business owners using these platforms. His main advice was creating great content and leveraging the Facebook advertising tools, and that he’s visited every park he’s drawn so it helps to do your research. Then we brought it back to stickers, and he spoke about his designs. To close out we were able to open a few brand-new posters that arrived for our factory, and Rob walked us through creating some of these wonderful works of art.
Episode 7: Final show of the season
In December, we are planning on welcoming the team from My Beer Pickles. That’s right. Beer and pickles. Two of nature’s greatest creations. Just add labels.
Music & Art
Opening music: Cha Cappella — Jimmy Fontanez
Closing music: My Rollercoaster — Kimya Dawson
Art by Alan Peters, Jupiter Visual
Originally published at on November 10, 2017.